My goal is to provide the best possible treatment in a professional, ethical and caring way. By seeking to restore hope in individuals through the use of professional expertise infused with faith, it is my intent to work with clients to bring true and complete healing.
Through individual counseling, I can help you…
- Recover from Anorexia, Bulimia, or Binge Eating Disorder
- Stop “Yo-Yo” dieting and other unsuccessful dieting plans and return to normalized eating, exercise and weight
- Rebuild self-esteem, self-confidence and a healthy body image
- Overcome stressful and unpredictable life events, depression and anxiety
- Heal from a loss
- Rely on faith in emotional and stressful times
- Improve interpersonal and social relationships as well as repair relationship issues
- Support your child in improving the choices they make and challenges they face
- Discover who God has created you to be and the life He has in store for you

Benefits of Counseling
Ultimately you will get out of treatment what you put into it. I will fight for you and work hard with you if you are willing to work hard with me. Things often get harder before they get better, but they will get better if you work at it. You have a lot to gain through treatment.
Here are just a few of the things you can gain from therapy:
- Invaluable knowledge about yourself, how and why you do some of the things you do and insight on how to change some of those things if you desire
- Increased self-esteem and self-confidence which will impact many areas of your life
- Improved communication skills with others
- A better understanding of who God created you to be
- Resolution of many of the reasons or things that brought you to treatment
- Greater satisfaction with yourself and with your life
- Hope, motivation, and movement if you are feeling “stuck” in a situation or with life
- A more stable mood
- Better overall wellness and health
- Healthier relationship with yourself and others
- Freedom from past issues and guilt
- A confidential listening ear